Journalist, lover of philosophy (philosopher) and writer with nearly twenty published books and researchers contributions in Anthropology and Sociology, NORBERT MBU-MPUTU, a multiskilled person and a polyglot storyteller, since he was dispersed to Wales (Newport) in 2004, he decided to use his long asylum years (7 years) to improve his skills with training, courses and workshops so that they could benefit the community.
After his two times Social Enterprise sponsorship by Unlimited Millennium Awards and the contribution he made to the Swansea based Afan book “Are you Happy with that” and advised by Tom Cheesman (Swansea University), he then launched his self publishing company MEDIACOMX Ltd.
One of his ilast books is his masterpiece of 740 pages, “L’autre Lumumba. Peuple du Congo, histoire, résistances, assassinats et victoires sur le front de la Guerre froide” (Lumumba Otherwise. People of the Congo, history, resistance, assassinations and victories on the Cold War front), a ten years research book about Patrice Lumumba, the African independentist, antiracist and anticolonial leadera ssassinated in 1961 by the CIA, the Belgian secret services and other complicities..
He considers those books, even in French, to belong to the Wales heritage as they were mostly wrote and published during his Wales years. He remains open for any translating support or idea.
After his BA (Hons) in films, he is nos dreaming to voice his voiceless native Africa and his community in a new project he names MARS (Migrants, Asylum seekers and Refugee Speak out), a community/village's climate change cinema-forum projet he just linked with a Wales based small film company.
Wales, United Kingdom
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