Abdulsamad Rabiu CON

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Abdul Samad Isyaku Rabiu

He is a Nigerian billionaire businessman and philanthropist. His late father, Khalifah Isyaku Rabiu, was one of Nigeria’s foremost industrialists in the 1970s and 1980s.




Abdul Samad Rabiu uses the BUA Foundation for his philanthropic activities. These include the construction of a 7,000-square-meter paediatric ward at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and the construction of the Centre for Islamic Studies at Bayero University Kano amongst several others.

Abdul Samad Rabiu was born and raised in Kano in the north-western part of Nigeria. He attended Capital University in Columbus, Ohio and returned to Nigeria at the age of 24 to oversee the family business. This was when his father Isyaku Rabiu was being detained by the administration of General Muhammadu Buhari for allegedly not paying rice import duties.

Abdul Samad Rabiu established BUA International Limited in 1988 for the sole purpose of commodity trading. The company imported rice, edible oil, flour, and iron and steel.
In 1990, the government, which owned Delta Steel Company, contracted with BUA to supply its raw materials in exchange for finished products. This provided a much-needed windfall for the young company. BUA expanded further into steel, producing billets, importing iron ore, and constructing multiple rolling mills in Nigeria.
A few years later, BUA acquired Nigerian Oil Mills Limited, the largest edible oil processing company in Nigeria. In 2005 BUA started two flour-milling plants, in Lagos and in Kano. By 2008, BUA had broken an eight-year monopoly in the Nigerian sugar industry by commissioning the second-largest sugar refinery in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2009 the company went on to acquire a controlling stake in a publicly-listed Cement Company in Northern Nigeria and began to construct a $900 million cement plant in Edo State, completing it in early 2015.

Parents – Isyaku Rabiu
Children – Isyaku Rabiu, Junaid Rabiu, Rukkayah Rania Rabiu and Khadijah Rabiu
Siblings – He has 42 siblings including Nafiu Rabiu and Rabiu Rabiu, the chairman of IRS Airlines.

“My knowledge nd experience in business gives me the passion to do what I do consistently to improve the business”

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it”

“Growth can only be achieved, by matching and surpassing the existing quality, even if that means besting your own records.”
“If I had worried about everything that could go wrong, I would never have started. Sometimes, you just need to take a leap of faith.”

https://www.theafricaceoforum.com/en/portraits/abdulsamad-rabiu/ accessed 27/06/2022
https://www.forbesafrica.com/billionaires/2019/05/03/how-mogul-abdulsamad-rabiu-has-become-a-billionaire-again/ accessed 27/06/2022
https://nairametrics.com/2022/01/14/366674/ accessed 27/06/2022
https://www.theelitesng.com/bua-donates-n100m-to-kebbi-flood-fictims-provides-addition-n350m-to-cacovid/bua-group-chairman-abdulsamad-rabiu/ accessed 27/06/2022
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Samad_Rabiu accessed 27/06/2022
https://www.ugandaempya.com/abdul-samad-rabiu-quotes/ accessed 27/06/2022

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