Adekunle Ojora (Chief)

Area of Achievement

Business and Economics
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He is a Nigerian business executive who was Chairman of the Board of AGIP Nigeria Limited from 1971, until it was acquired by Unipetrol in 2002.




Ojora is a member of the Ojora and Adele royal families of Lagos and is himself the holder of the chieftaincy of the Otunba of Lagos.

He studied journalism at Regent Street Polytechnic, and started work at the BBC, where he progressed to the role ofassistant editor. In 1955, he transferred his services to the Nigerian government as a reporter with the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). He was soon transferred to Ibadan as an Information Officer in the office of the regional premier. Ojora’s stint with NBC lasted until 1961 when he took up appointment as the Public Relations Manager at United African Company. Ojora soon developed interest in the commercial units of enterprises, and he became an executive director of UAC in 1962.

After a military coup truncated the first republic, Ojora was nominated as a member of Lagos City Council in 1966. A year later, he was given political appointments in two government agencies. In 1967, he was managing director of WEMABOD, a regional property and investment company and in the same year, he succeeded Kola Balogun as Chairman of Nigerian National Shipping Line.
After leaving WEMABOD, he became an investor in various firms including AGIP petroleum marketing and NCR Nigeria. He also founded the private firms Nigerlink Industries, Unital Builders and a holding company called Lagos Investments. After the Nigerian Enterprise Promotion Act, he took equity interest in some foreign companies operating in Nigeria such as investments in the Nigerian operations of Bowring Group, Inchape, Schlumberger, Phoenix Assurance, UTC Nigeria, Evans Brothers and Seven-Up.

Spouse – Erelu Ojuolape Ojora
Daughter – Toyin Saraki accessed 20/06/2022 accessed 20/06/2022 accessed 20/06/2022 accessed 20/06/2022 accessed 20/06/2022 accessed 20/06/2022

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