Angeline Tshiyane

Area of Achievement

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African and Welsh

2015 – she won the award of Community Coach of the Year in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year
2016 – she was nominated for the Unsung Hero Award at the Black Ethnic and Diversity Sports Award
2017 – she won a Sports and Culture award at the Ethnic Minority Welsh Women’s Award

Angeline arrived in Newport as a refugee in 2000, aged 38 years. At the time she was in danger from the government in Zimbabwe . She has engaged in charity work during in her time in Newport, and has also been employed as a care worker.

In 2007, Angie started a support group for isolated women and called it Madzimai Pamwe , which means Women Together. She later set up a swimming club for children from black and ethnic minority backgrounds. She coached these children in swimming for no charge, and in 2015 she was recognised by BBC Sports Wales as Community Coach of the Year. In 2017, she received the Daily Points of Lights Award from Prime Minister Theresa May. This is an award which recognises outstanding individual volunteers.

She studied for a degree in Public Services at the University of South Wales to help in her community projects. During this time she gained employment with South East Wales Racial Equality Council (SEWREC) as an assistant BME Sports Project Officer.

Estel Farell-Roig, ‘Angeline Tshiyane, a swimming coach from Newport, has been given an award by the UK Prime Minister’, South Wales Argus, [accessed 14th March 2022]

‘Angeline talks about her experiences on the Public Services course’ [accessed 14th March 2022].

Sian Burkitt, ‘The people who came to Newport in search of refuge and found a second home’, Wales Online [accessed 14th March 2022].

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