Carlotta Walls LaNier

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She is the youngest of the Little Rock Nine, a group of African American students who, in 1957, were the first Black students ever to attend classes at Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. She was the first Black female to graduate from Central High School.




In 1958, LaNier and the rest of the Little Rock Nine were awarded the Spingarn Medal by the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP). The crisis resulted in all of Little Rock’s high schools being closed during that year. Despite this, LaNier returned to Central High in 1959 and graduated in 1960.

LaNier first attended Dunbar Junior High School, a segregated school in Little Rock. However, after graduating, she volunteered to be one of the first African Americans to attend Central High School.
Her parents didn’t know she had been enrolled until the registration card arrived that July.
In February 1960, LaNier’s home was bombed. Nobody was harmed, but it was the first bombing directed at one of the students. Despite the bombing, LaNier continued at school.

Following her graduation from Central High in 1960, LaNier attended Michigan State University for two years. However, her father was unable to find a job because of the crisis surrounding his daughter, and they moved to Denver, Colorado. LaNier graduated from Colorado State College (now the University of Northern Colorado) and began working at the YWCA as a programme administrator for teens. In 1977, she founded LaNier and Company, a real estate brokerage company.
For over 30 years LaNier has worked as a professional real estate broker. She is currently working with Brokers Guild-Cherry Creek Ltd., and formerly worked with Prudential Colorado Real Estate. She is a member of Metrolist, Inc.
LaNier has been a member of the Colorado Aids Project, Jack and Jill of America, The Urban League, and the NAACP. She was also the President of the Little Rock Nine Foundation, an organization dedicated to ensuring equal access to education for African American students.

Spouse – Ira (Ike) LaNier
Siblings – Loujuana Walls, Tina Walls accessed 23/06/2022 accessed 23/06/2022 accessed 23/06/2022 accessed 23/06/2022

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