Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent OBE (Dr)

Area of Achievement

Health and Medicine
Dr Jacqueline Dunkley Bent OBE 1

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Jacqueline is England’s first Chief Midwifery Officer and Professor of Midwifery at King’s College London and London South Bank University.

She has worked as a midwife and a nurse and held senior positions in clinical practice, education, leadership and management including: Director of Midwifery and Nursing positions for Women’s and Children’s services at Imperial College Healthcare Trust and Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Academic roles have included: Senior Lecturer, Curriculum Leader, LME and Professor of Midwifery.

She was part of the team that delivered Princess Charlotte
She is the midwifery advisor for the Tommy’s Charity National Advisory Board
In 2014 she received the Health Services Journal BME Pioneers award
In 2015 Dunkley-Bent won the Health Services Journal BME Pioneers award
In 2015 she was selected for inclusion on Nursing Times’ Leaders 2015 list that celebrates nurses and midwives who are pioneers, entrepreneurs and inspirational role models in their profession.
Received an OBE in 2017
In spring 2019 she was appointed the first Chief Midwifery Officer in the NHS, making her the most senior midwife in England
2020 and 2021 Powerlist – Dunkley-Bent was included as one of the 100 most influential people in the UK of African/African Caribbean descent

Dunkley-Bent received her diploma in midwifery at the Royal College of Midwives. She went on to complete her postgraduate teaching certificate at Surrey University before becoming a lecturer at Middlesex University. Dunkley-Bent has worked as a nurse and midwife, as well as in several management positions. She was the head of maternity, children and young people

Her experience has seen her leading and influencing national maternity standards and guidance. She also influences healthcare, nationally and internationally through research, education and publications and is frequently invited to speak at national and international conferences. She is a member of the British Journal of Midwifery editorial board and until recently was an active member of the Maternity and Newborn Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine.


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Dr Jacqueline Dunkley Bent OBE

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