Frederick McKinley Jones

Area of Achievement

Design and Engineering
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Frederick McKinley Jones was a successful American inventor and entrepreneur. He patented more than 60 inventions over his life time in a number of divergent fields, but particularly in refrigeration. Some of his great inventions were the ‘Thermo King’; an improved longhaul transportation of perishable goods, which opened up the frozen food industry, and a portable refrigerated unit for blood, medicine and food which was vital during World War Two. He co-founded the successful US Thermo Control Company with Joseph A Numero. He was the first African American to be awarded the National Medal of Technology and to be accepted into the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers.



America – Cincinnati, Ohio

Irish father and African American mother

-Over his life Jones patented more than 60 inventions
-Late 1920s Designed series of devices for the developing movie industry
-1930 First patent for a movie theatre ticket machine
-1935 Founded the Thermo King and in 1939 received a patent
-1939 -1945 (during WW2) Invented a portable refrigeration unit for the military to carry food, blood and medicine.
-1944 Accepted into the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers as first African American
-1953 Received Merit Award, Phyllis Wheatley Auxiliary
-1977 Inducted into the Minnesota Inventors Hall of Fame
-1991 The first African- American to be awarded the National Medal of Technology by President George H W Bush

Jones was born to an Irish father and African American mother who died when he was aged nine. His father sent him to be raised by a vicar in Covington, Kentucky, until he was 16 years old.

R C Crothers Garage
After leaving the rectory he began working as a mechanic’s aid at the R C Crothers Garage in Cincinnati. Alongside his avid interest for reading, much of his learning was acquired by observing the mechanics at the garage.

After three years he was promoted to shop foreman and by the age of 19 he had built and driven several cars in racing exhibitions, and became a very well known racer in the Great Lakes region of the USA.
Jones was a sergeant in the US Army, serving in France as an electrician
Post WW1:
-In 1919 Jones began the study of electronics, eventually building a transmitter for a local radio station.
-He would drive doctors during the winter season, and made a successful invention to combat heavy snow which made navigation difficult. Jones attached skis to the undercarriage of an old aeroplane body and attached an aeroplane propeller to a motor.
-He continued to make great inventions, one of which was a portable x-ray machine
-His inventions included radio transmitters, personal radio sets and motion picture devices. He did not, however, apply for a patent.
-Jones was hired as an electrical engineer by Joseph Numero, the head of Ultraphone Sound Systems. He converted silent movie projectors into talking projectors with scrap metal for parts and found ways to stabilise and improve picture qualities.
Jones invented and received a patent for an automatic ticket dispensing machine for cinemas
US Thermo Control Company:
Jones and Numero they formed the US Thermo Control Company Thermo King:
– Thermo King allowed large trucks to transport perishable products without spoiling. He later modified it so it could be used for trains, boats and ships. It transformed the shipping and grocery business as they could now ship products other than canned goods. The frozen food industry was born, allowing people to enjoy fresh food from around the globe. It became a multiimilliondollar company
-Jones created an air conditioning unit for military field hospitals and kitchens. This provided adequate storage unit for blood serum, medicines and food which was crucial for saving many lives. A form of this device is still used today.
-Jones became the first African American to be elected into the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers.
-Jones was a Consultant to the US Department of Defence and the US. Bureau of Standards.
-He died with more than 60 patents and has been awarded the National Medal of Technology, the first Black inventor to receive such an honour.

Biography.comEditors, ‘Frederick Jones Biography’, Biography.comWebsite (A&E Television Networks, revised June 2020) [10 February 2022]

Minnesota IT Services, ‘From tiny Hallock to huge inventions’, StarTribune (mnhistory, revised February 21, 2016) [10 February 2022]
Minnesota IT Service, ‘‘African American Leaders in Tech: Part 4 The great Minnesota inventor, Frederick Jones’, Minnesota IT Services (revised February 28, 2020) [10 February 2022]
Christopher Blue, ‘FREDERICK MCKINLEY JONES (1893-1961)’, BLACKPAST (, revised June 2008) [10 February 2022]

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