George Cleveland Hall

Area of Achievement

Health and Medicine
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Hall was a very well accomplished physician and humanitarian who managed to establish and set up multiple great legacies which are well remembered in Black American history.
In 1915 he was one out of the people who created the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, also known as ASNLH. Hall became the first president of the association and was active and involved in the development of African American civic life.



Chicago, Illinois, USA

African American

Graduated from Lincoln University
Graduated from Chicago’s Bennett Medical College
Graduated Chicago Harvey Medical School
Founded the Cook County physician’s association of Chicago
Became one of five founding members of the Association for the study of Negro Life and History, was also nominated president
Organized provident Hospital’s first post-graduate courses
Received Doctors of Laws from Lincoln University
Appointed chief of staff in a hospital
Awarded Doctor of science from Howard University

George was born to James and Emmaline Buck Hall in Ypsilanti, Michigan. His early education was at public schools in Ypsilanti until 1882 when he went to study in Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated with honours in 1886. He then began to study at Bennett Medical College in Chicago, Illinois from where he graduated in 1888.

When he graduated from Benett Medical College, George started his medical career in Chicago, Illinois where he eventually became Chief of Staff at Provident Hospital, working there for thirty years. He also founded Cook County Physician’s Association Chicago.
George was one of the first members of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) and he was also appointed the Group’s president. He also worked as the Vice President for the National Urban League, the Chicago Urban League, and was made chairman of the board of management of the Wabash Young Men’s Christian Association. He organised the Civic League and worked alongside several other social and philanthropic organisations, including the YMCA, Governor of Lowden’s Race Commission and the Municipal Voter’s League

Doctor of Law from Lincoln University
Doctor of Science from Howard University

George married in 1894 to Theodosia Brewer in 1894 and they had two children.

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