Marie Van Brittan Brown

Area of Achievement

Design and Engineering
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Marie Van Brittan Brown was the inventor of the first home security system. She is also credited with the invention of the first closed circuit television.





1966- Brown’s husband filed for a patent under the title ‘Home Security System Utilizing Television Surveillance’
1969- Their application for a patent was accepted
1969- Interviewed by The New York Times
2013- The most recent reference to Browns’ patent by further inventors

Brown was born in Queens, New York, on 22 October 1922. Her father was born in Massachusetts and her mother was from Pennsylvania.

Brown’s invention was inspired by the security risk at her home. Living in Queens, New York in the 1960s, she worked as a nurse but was often home alone due to her husband’s working patterns. Crime rates were on the rise in their neighbourhood but the police could not always be relied upon to respond quickly. This anxiety led Brown to look for ways to increase her level of personal security. She needed to create a system that would allow her to know who was at her home and contact relevant authorities as quickly as possible.

Brown’s security system was the basis for the two-way communication and surveillance features of modern security. Her original invention was comprised of peepholes, a camera, monitors, and a two-way microphone. The final element was an alarm button that could be pressed to contact the police immediately.

Brown and her husband filed for a patent on 1 August 1966 and their application was approved on 2 December 1969. Brown’s invention was recognised with an award from the National Scientists Committee and an interview with The New York Times on December 6, 1969.

Brown’s invention laid the foundation for later security systems that make use of its features. Her invention is still used by small businesses, small offices, single-family homes, and multi-unit dwellings such as apartments and condominiums. The Browns’ patent was later referenced by thirteen other inventors including some as recently as 2013.

Marie and her husband had two children, Albert and Norma. Norma followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a nurse and inventor.

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