Michael Croslin

Area of Achievement

Health and Medicine

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Michael Croslin joined the US Air Force and was in both Korea and Vietnam. . He received a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering along with a PhD in biomedical engineering. He founded his own company and invented the MedTek 410 device.



US Virgin Islands

1950- Joined the US Air Force serving in both Korea and Vietnam
1963- A Master of Science degree in electrical engineering
1968- A PhD in biomedical engineering
1978- Invented the MedTek 410 computerised blood pressure and pulse measuring device
1978- Founded MedTek Corporation
1982- MedTek model BPI 420 was approved in the US Air Force Aircraft

Croslin was born in th US Virgin Islands. He was abandoned as a baby and was taken in by the Britto family as a child. When he was 12 years old, he fled to mainland USA and obtained a brief education at a Jesuit school. He worked at odd jobs in Georgia and eventually ended up in Wisconsin, where he was adopted by the Croslin family. Although he had an unstable education, Croslin was a brilliant student.

After his service in the US Air Force in Korea and Vietnam, he returned to school and earned a second Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from New York University following on from his first Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin. In addition, Croslin earned a Master’s Degree in business administration at Columbia University.
The invention that changed Michael Croslin’s life was the MedTek 410 computerised blood pressure and pulse measuring device which made blood pressure movements more accurate and reliable. Following this Croslin was able to open his own company (MedTek Corporation) in Princeton, New Jersey. This enabled him to produce and distribute his own work. Later, his digital blood pressure invention was displayed at the Franklin Institute Museum of Science and Invention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and it was approved by the US Air Force, as it was capable of operating at high altitudes.

Michael Croslin – BlackUSA

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