Black History Month Wales (BHMWales)

Black History Month (BHM) is the month in which African history and heritage is celebrated throughout the world. In the UK, Black History Month emerged as part of the African Jubilee Year for Marcus Garvey Centenary celebrations in America.
Akyaaba Addai Sebbo, coordinator of Special Projects at the Greater London Council (GLC) is acknowledged as the originator in the UK, with the first event in 1987. Since then BHM has grown to over 6,000 events being celebrated across the UK every October with activities such as lectures, conferences, concerts and specialist programmes in community centres, schools, libraries and museums which highlight and celebrate the achievements and contributions that Black people have made to the development of British society, technology, economy and culture.
Black History Month Wales (BHM Wales) has previously engaged, educated and empowered individuals, community groups and Wales-wide communities in acknowledging and recognising the contribution that the African Diaspora has made, in the history of Wales’ economic and cultural development. It also allowed the wider community to take part, learn and celebrate together, to promote understanding and share our global history.
As Wales now looks to embed and celebrate Black History every day of the year and not just during the month of October we take pause and reflect on how far Wales has come to get us to this point.
Wales arguably hosts one of the first truly multi-cultural cities in the world where numerous races have lived side-by-side in harmony for many decades. Wales remains aware and proud of its diversity and rich past, and it celebrates a great tradition of sharing stories and welcoming visitors from around the world.
Black History Wales’ unique flavour draws on a wealth of historic and current connections–explored through a host of activities for families, children and people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.
Our Approach: Black History Wales
We believe in the power of the arts to enrich and to change the lives of Black people in Wales, to share our diverse cultures, and to empower our communities by providing opportunities to build confidence, skills and experiences.
BHC365: Creative Arts Programme
Black History Wales management team created a national, year-round Creative Arts
Programme of excellence, which encourages African and African-Caribbean communities in Wales to develop new skills and gain valuable experiences, through the arts.