Black History Month Wales 2019 Finale

Black History Month Wales 2019 Finale

BHMW2019 RWCMD updated poster 2
Black History Month Wales 2019 | Movers, Shakers & Legacy Makers Finale

Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Castle Grounds, Cathays Park, North Road, Cardiff, CF10 3ER

Saturday 2 November 2019 | 12pm to 4pm

FREE ENTRY | All Welcome!

The Black History Wales Finale will be hosted in the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama’s main foyer stage from 12 midday showcasing music and dance performances from: Reuel Elijah | Ify Iwobi & Caleb Lagayan | Chembomusic | The Honest Poet | Arnold Matsena | Richard Nkhata | Crossing Borders Youth Dance and Soel Connect Gospel Choir.

Contacts for queries and to get involved:
Kay Denyer | [email protected] 07809 721047
Uzo Iwobi OBE | [email protected] 07838 360979
Adele Dunstan | [email protected]

Black History Month Wales hosts celebrations around the country in October 2019 whilst Black History Cymru 365 provides a series of opportunities throughout the year for our grassroots communities and organisations to develop a diverse programme of Arts & Creative practice in Wales, to build ongoing partnership programmes to increase engagement, teach skills and development diversity in Artistic practice.

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Our Past Events

Take a peek at what we have got up to over the last few years. If you have any suggestions about events that you would like to see the Black History Month Wales hold again, then please get in touch.