In conversation with Yaissa Jiménez (Webinar)

In conversation with Yaissa Jiménez (Webinar)

In conversation with Yaissa Jiménez (Webinar)

Join this talk with Dominican author Yaissa Jiménez at the London Spanish Book & Zine Fair and discover how a personal brand can be consolidated from the seed of digital platforms, how to build an international profile whilst writing in Spanish and how to advance in a firm and independent way in the literary world using verbs that burn bright in the bonfire of insolent arts.

A conversation with Yaissa Jiménez that promises to be sharp and clear, without sacrificing the candid humidity of a tropical jungle. In the hands of the London-based, Venezuelan journalist Carla Tofano, we promise to unravel the uninterrupted moments of Yaissa’s poetry alongside her personal history.


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