Lleswyl’s 2021 event: The Daring to Dream Festival-at-Home

Lleswyl’s 2021 event: The Daring to Dream Festival-at-Home


We are proud to announce our support for Lleswyl’s 2021 event: The Daring to Dream Festival-at-Home, Friday 26th November 19:00 – 22:30.

This is a new, free, inclusive, venture, reaching out to all those for whom there will be no ‘new normal’ to help them connect, have fun and enjoy really good music! 🎵🎼🎶

For many people in Wales who are living with chronic illness or disability, going to a gig or festival is something that won’t be happening for them anytime soon. That’s why Daring to Dream are holding their first ever festival-at-home experience, to involve everyone. Read more here: https://daringtodream.wales/what-is-lleswyl/

Invite someone you know (family, friend, neighbour) who is socially isolated because of illness to your home on 26 November & share a fun, lively, happy evening together! Enjoy connecting and being part of #Lleswyl2021, the festival-at-home experience.

There’s a fantastic team of presenters (https://daringtodream.wales/lleswyl-our-dream-team-of…/), amazing and iconic Welsh bands including Afro Cluster and Ify Iwobi our Black History artists (https://daringtodream.wales/line-up/), inspirational patient stories and quality end-to-end digital production.

It’s free, inclusive and is even BSL interpreted!

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