The contribution of Black Women to education in Wales

The contribution of Black Women to education in Wales

Join us for October’s WEN Cafe – a celebration of the contribution of Black women to education in Wales

About this Event

Join us for a Black History Wales WEN Cafe event on 23rd October to celebrate the contribution of Black women to education in Wales! This event is held in partnership with Black History Wales and Race Council Cymru.

Uzo Iwobi OBE will chair the panel discussion, featuring:

Gaynor Legall, first BME woman councillor in Wales and advocate for ethnic minority women across Wales

Rachel Clarke, Deputy Head, author, trainer and educational consultant

Humie Webbe, Work-based Learning Strategic Equality and Diversity Lead, National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW)

To submit questions ahead of the event, please email [email protected] and head your email ‘WENCafe 23rd October’. You can also tweet your questions to us @WENWales.

Book this event here

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Caffi WEN Hanes Du Cymru ar 23 Hydref er mwyn dathlu cyfraniad menywod Du i addysg yng Nghymru! Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn mewn partneriaeth â Hanes Du Cymru a Chyngor Hil Cymru.

Fe fydd Uzo Iwobi OBE yn cadeirio trafodaeth y panel, gan gynnwys:

Gaynor Legall, cynghorydd benywaidd BME cyntaf yng Nghymru ac eiriolwr dros fenywod o leiafrifoedd ethnig ledled Cymru

Rachel Clarke, Dirprwy Bennaeth, awdur, hyfforddwr ac ymgynghorydd addysgol

Humie Webbe, Arweinydd Cydraddoldeb Strategol ac Amrywiaeth Dysgu yn y Gwaith, Ffederasiwn Hyfforddi Cenedlaethol Cymru

Byddwch yn derbyn manylion ar sut i ymuno â’r galwad Zoom cyn y digwyddiad.

I awgrymu cwestiynau cyn y digwyddiad, ebostiwch [email protected] os gwelwch yn dda a rhowch i’ch ebost y pwnc ‘WENCafe 25 Medi’. Gallwch chi hefyd danfon neges ar Trydar @WENWales.

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