Hon First Minister Carwyn Jones AM Endorsement of Black History Month Celebrations 2017
To celebrate BHMW 2017, the theme for the year is “OUR STARS. OUR FUTURE.
OUR HISTORY: 10th Anniversary 2017’’ (Hashtag #BHMWales10)

“I am delighted to support Black History Month Wales 2017 on its 10th anniversary, celebrating the culture, identity and contribution of people in our communities across Wales.
I look forward to celebrating in particular the outstanding achievements of young people through the Black History Youth Awards. The 2017 theme ‘Our Stars, Our Future, Our History’ supports our ambitions within our Prosperity for All strategy to instil in everyone a passion to learn throughout their lives, inspiring them with the ambition to be the best they possibly can be. A prosperous Wales needs creative, highly skilled and adaptable people.
The Welsh Government is committed to spreading opportunity and tackling inequality, delivering individual and national Prosperity for All. Our aim is to enable everyone in Wales to fulfil their ambitions and live healthy, prosperous and rewarding lives.
Undoubtedly there is more to be done to break down the barriers that can still limit the prosperity of young BAME people in Wales. Prosperity for All sets out our vision for Wales as a vibrant, tolerant and welcoming place to live and work, where people of all backgrounds are respected and valued. It states our commitment to continuing work to counter discrimination and ensure opportunities for all.
In celebrating Black History Month throughout Wales, from the launch in the north to the grand finale in the south, we recognise the huge contribution made by people from the BAME diaspora. Thanks to Race Council Cymru and all the organisations involved in arranging the celebrations.
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First Minister for Wales Hon Carwyn Jones AM