Abi Lasebikan
- September 21, 2020
- Posted by: kasia
- Categories:

Abi graduated from Lancaster University in 1996, with a degree in Applied Social Science and Community and Race Relations BA (Hons). She later went back into education to retrain as a solicitor, qualifying in 2011.
She has worked passionately and tiredly in the field of diversity for over seven years. In addition to her full time position in D and I she has been chair of her organisations Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) network, a member’s led workplace equality network, providing peer support, networking opportunities and a focus for discussion of issues affecting Black Asian Minority Ethnic members in the organisation. As the Organisations Network co-ordinator she also liaises closely with the other (Disability, LGBT, Mental Health, Parents and Carers, Gender) workplace equality networks. She also sits on the PCS Union’s Branch Executive Committee, as the BAME representative.
During her career Abi’s commitment to diversity has extended beyond her organisation, through her work with external groups like:
-AWETU, a small charity that used to provide befriending and advocacy service and support to people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups with mental health problems.
-Citizens Cymru.
-Race Council Cymru’s Black History Month Wales steering group.
-The Princes Trust BLF Steering group.
-Wales Ability.
-Legacy International.
As an African Welsh Woman with a number of disabilities, including dyslexia, intersectionality is a topic close to her heart. Intersectionality, the concept proposed by Kimberlé Crenshaw to understanding the ways that multiple aspects of our identities intersect, influence one another, and compound to create unique experiences, is why being involved in Wales Ability and other steering groups is important to her. I believe, in the words of Audre Lorde, that “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single issue lives”. Equality is not a piece of pie where gains in equality for someone means that someone else gets less of the pie, rather that the pie gets bigger because equality is not a zero sum game and improvements in rights for one group will see an improvement in rights for everyone. This belief informs my diversity work and keeps me motivated and determined to make things better for everyone. I also believe that my unique perspective and experiences brings something to the table and adds value, if I can share that and improve things for one person then I am doing my part to help create a better world for all.