Barbara Paulette Palmer
Spokesperson/Assistant Chair, Windrush Cymru Elders

RGN, BSc Degree Nursing Studies
PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education)
NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) – Level 5 in Health & Social Care
Experience Includes:
- Trained in Llandough Hospital, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan 1970s.
- Worked in Care of the Elderly for over 20 years.
- Worked as a Deputy Ward Manager in Lansdowne Hospital,
1997 – 2001
- Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Nurse Specialist 2001 – 2015.
- Currently semi retired nurse.
Current community involvement includes:
- Windrush Cymru Elders – Spokes person/ Assistant chair
- Cardiff Sickle cell and Thalassaemia patient and family support group
- MENFA- Mentoring for all – board member
- Member of South Wales Jamaica Society
- Member of Vine Community Church Butetown
- BHWales Management Committee