Norbert Mbu-mputu

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and studied philosophy, anthropology and sociology, computing and the new information and communication technologies, film and charity management in Africa and Europe and worked as a teacher in the United Nations and was a Team Leader of a British NGO in Africa.
norbert mbu mputu palmer black history wales management committee

A journalist with a life in the UK full of sometimes laughing-crying stories with moral background, since Wales had opened up to him its doors in 2004, he collaborated in several community projects and activities, became a member of many organisations and founded the registered charity South People’s Projects-SoPPro for the dialogue of cultures between the welcome community and the newcomers and has developed expertise with projects funded by Heritage Lottery Fund on the common history of Africa and the United Kingdom through these heroes including Henry Morton Stanley, the greatest explorer of Africa born in Denbigh, and especially Reverend William Hughes and his Congo-Boys and his Congo and African Institute of Wales (1891-1912).

Currently seeking sponsorship for a book and educational exhibition project decolonising African history for the diaspora on unknown African heroes and untold famous stories and is finalising a digitalising infographic map of the UK-Congo common history sites, a writer with several published books including “Bamonimambo: Rediscovering Britain and Congo Common History” (2012, 203 pages) and the latest in French “L’autre Lumumba. Peuple du Congo, histoire, résistances, assassinats et victoire sur le front de la Guerre froide” (Another Lumumba. People of Congo, history, resistance, assassinations and victory on the Cold War front”.


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