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Soraya Cordle

Founding Director of It’s Mandatory CIC (Community Interest Company) and Co-Founding Director of I’m Representing IECC (Inclusive Educational Curriculum Consultancy). 
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Soraya Cordle is the Founding Director of It’s Mandatory CIC (Community Interest Company) and the Co-Founding Director of I’m Representing IECC (Inclusive Educational Curriculum Consultancy).

Both companies aim to increase positive representation within education institutions and provide support to the community that are experiencing racism. I felt the need to set them up as a result of lived experience of institutional racism and identifying the gap in mainstream service provision.

Her professional background is youth and community of which she has 20 years’ experience in the 3rd/voluntary sector and lifelong learning undertaking various roles at a paid and unpaid capacity delivering training, support services and youth activities/programmes in Cardiff, Barry and Newport.

She is a mother to 2 daughters, she loves being with her family and friends, learning and being creative.

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