stephen commander black history wales management committee

Stephen Commander

A strong campaigner and activist for change in the Army from the mid 90’s, providing advice and guidance to senior leadership on Diversity & Inclusion.
stephen commander black history wales management committee

Steve Commander was born in Tiger Bay, the Docks in Cardiff in 1964. Born to a Black African Father and White Mother, Steve grew up as a real street child. He joined the Army at 16 and worked his way through the ranks to become a Regimental Sergeant Major of an elite unit, and then Garrison Sergeant Major for Wales. He was a strong campaigner and activist for change in the Army from the mid 90’s, providing advice and guidance to senior leadership on Diversity & Inclusion. He left the Army in 2004 and the MOD instantly hired him as a consultant in D&I.


Since the mid 2000’s Steve has been part of many initiatives including Representative Governance Boards and Ethics Committees; been a member of the Black Police Association and is now part of a number of Networks in Central Government. He is coaching senior Civil Service Leaders and helping recruit a more diverse workforce. Steve has always been passionate about injustice and prides himself on his honesty and an authentic approach to life.  He believes life should be led through values, not goals.

stephen commander black history wales management committee


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